Maintain Attraction
Here's the first element of Maintain-At-Traction- maintaining attraction.
Let me first place a disclaimer that I do not claim to be an expert on this subject and that I am a man (hence I make many mistakes), so please take whatever I say with many grains of salt. A lot of times, I will be simply stating my opinions, which comes from limited experiences, naturally.
I believe the best way to maintain anything is to keep creating whatever it is that you want to maintain. Attraction can be created and hence can be maintained. For today, let me just go ahead and list some links to professionals, people who actually make money teaching this stuff. I don't agree with everything they say, especially when what they teach and live does not fit my Moral Standards. However, I do believe they teach a lot of truth, and I hope to be a channel to bring their advice all together in one spot.
As of now, let me suggest some links that you can check out for building attraction:
1. David De Angelo's "Double Your Dating"- This guy's specialty is "Cocky and Funny" approaches.
David De Angelo
2. Lance Mason and his PickUp 101 team - These guys actually have training weekends where guys can pay thousands to do role plays from experts and then hit the streets of SF to practice live. I think their specialty lies in not just bantering, but especially in building rapport.
Lance Mason
3. Grant Adams - His specialty is in online dating and written communication.
Grant Adams
4. Neil Strauss: This guy's book "The Game" has become a classic in the "pickup artist" community.
As I am male, the guys that I suggest for now are those who focus on helping men build their "game" for women. Let me just tell you that they are not some random "dating gurus" that I found, but rather they are people whose teachings (can't think of a better word than this) I have read and applied personally. So that must make me a chick magnet by now, huh? Obviously I have always been one since my preschool days, but as any man in the world, I can always improve on my game.
Here's my first contribution to the society of men for women. Peace!
Let me first place a disclaimer that I do not claim to be an expert on this subject and that I am a man (hence I make many mistakes), so please take whatever I say with many grains of salt. A lot of times, I will be simply stating my opinions, which comes from limited experiences, naturally.
I believe the best way to maintain anything is to keep creating whatever it is that you want to maintain. Attraction can be created and hence can be maintained. For today, let me just go ahead and list some links to professionals, people who actually make money teaching this stuff. I don't agree with everything they say, especially when what they teach and live does not fit my Moral Standards. However, I do believe they teach a lot of truth, and I hope to be a channel to bring their advice all together in one spot.
As of now, let me suggest some links that you can check out for building attraction:
1. David De Angelo's "Double Your Dating"- This guy's specialty is "Cocky and Funny" approaches.
David De Angelo
2. Lance Mason and his PickUp 101 team - These guys actually have training weekends where guys can pay thousands to do role plays from experts and then hit the streets of SF to practice live. I think their specialty lies in not just bantering, but especially in building rapport.
Lance Mason
3. Grant Adams - His specialty is in online dating and written communication.
Grant Adams
4. Neil Strauss: This guy's book "The Game" has become a classic in the "pickup artist" community.
As I am male, the guys that I suggest for now are those who focus on helping men build their "game" for women. Let me just tell you that they are not some random "dating gurus" that I found, but rather they are people whose teachings (can't think of a better word than this) I have read and applied personally. So that must make me a chick magnet by now, huh? Obviously I have always been one since my preschool days, but as any man in the world, I can always improve on my game.
Here's my first contribution to the society of men for women. Peace!