Maintain At Traction. Someone has to start doing it, and I hope to help us all do it. What exactly does this mean? If you don't know, I don't know if I can help you, really. Some basic knowledge is required. It's like bringing a horse to the water, only to realize that the horse can only drink caffeinated soda! Does this make sense? Well, I agree, it doesn't make any sense, but the point is there... I think..

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Location: Utah, United States

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Maintain At Traction - Jazz Music in Utah

I've started to listen to Jazz music and have begun to love it, since about several years ago. It's so soothing, quiet, really enhances any romantic atmosphere, or simply relaxes me in a feel-good mood. To maintain traction in life, we all need the time to relax and just chill, soak in life, and vent out the frustrations. Jazz really has that capability to help us do this.. I think I'm just getting older maybe.. ;)

My roommate, Jonathan De Guzman, bought Michael Buble's CD for his sweet wife, Jasmin, during his last year at Cornell when she was going to dental school in Pittsburgh. My favorite song was "Home" . I still love that song. This was my first introduction to Jazz music that I actually enjoyed... a lot!!

Today, I was browsing the internet and found out about Shaun Barrowes, a local Jazz musician from Spanish Fork, Utah. He has an amazing voice, and I love his music!!! He's got a concert going on this weekend, and I hope to attend and check him out live. What's really cool, is that I sent a brief email on Shaun Barrowes' My Space account (He's officially a friend of Joe's My Space Account) and he actually responded with a personal email!!! It's so nice to have that personal correspondence from musicians, which either says he's still local and small, or simply a down-to-earth and nice guy. I believe it's more of the latter, maybe because Jazz has soothed his soul enough to be free of all the hustle and bustle of life...

Listen and Love Life!


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